How Easy Is It To Use Load Up?

Think of an electronic loading station that sends prepaid credits to different recipients. That’s basically Load Upexcept that loading business is your company. To put it another way, Load Up is essentially a do-it-yourself mobile loading platform. 

Are you an employer who provides employees with communication allowances but in physical prepaid card form? You might want to consider switching to Load Up to free up a ton of your bandwidth, which, at present, is going to the tedious process of manual load distribution. Come to think of it, that’s a lot of time eaten up.  


Now, can you imagine being able to spend that chunk of time on more productive work instead? With Load Up, you no longer need to imagine.  Exactly how easy is it to use Load Up? Here, we’ve rounded up simple, specific ways to use the loading platform.

Photo via Unsplash


  1. Disburse load–the smart, safe and secure way

Is cybersecurity a top priority for your business? If yes, then you can count on Load Up to let you enjoy worry-free transactions! Using a safe web-based platform, you can conveniently manage your recipients and send real-time Globe/TM prepaid airtime credits or promo SKUs.       


2. Send credits in bulkautomatically.  Load Up’s ability to distribute Globe/TM airtime credits or promo SKUs spans thousands and thousands of recipientsall at the same time through a segregated list of contacts for instant mobile credits. The platform does all of these automatically–and magically, we might add!      


3. Schedule load-ups.  Do you want to send your load ups to arrive at a specific day of the month? Load Up’s scheduling tool does exactly what it saysyou can schedule load ups to send on a specific day and time for anticipated, fixed frequency or recurring mobile credit needs. By doing this, you can stay confident that your employees can stay connected whenever the need comes up. 


With all of these said, please feel free to call Load Up a life-saver, if you want! Not only does it take away the burden of manual processes, but it also helps you stay in tune with your employees and customers.  Want to know more about Load Up? Create a free account and equip your business with Load Up today!


November 26, 2019

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